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April 22, 2017, the Worldwide March of Science Day

Background: a recent headline in the Washington Post - Historians say the March for Science is ‘pretty unprecedented’ .

Today my heart is with all those across the world, who march for the cause of  Science. For years, scientists have been saying that we live today in a "So-called Age of Science". The reason is that our politicians and popular cultures do not understand the basic scientific method of discovering new knowledge in a rigorous way. Most people like simple answers. Few scientists have the gift of producing simple explanations of what they do, and what they have discovered about nature and humanity. But a few have this ability, and have begun producing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that explain their work at a level that fills teenagers with enthusiasm. Yes - high school level MOOCs that make up for the fear some teachers have of their own ability to teach math and science! MOOCs give these scientist-communicators an international reach, and multiply the number of people they can influence. Spending resources of education, with everyone having exposure to some science (such as 'Physics for Poets') will make our society productive, exciting, and employed. Think about it. If you can, march every day for Science and make it closer to you own life! Facts are stranger than fiction. The Cosmos which is our life support system is far richer and deeper than we can now imagine. Science will always produce challenges for human thinking, and jobs will always be available for those who love scientific thought.

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